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Diana Manta

Gender discrimination

We live in the 21st century and you might think that everyone should have the same rights because we are equal, no matter our sex, we are all humans. You would be surprised to learn that in most parts of the world we can still find different attitudes towards men and women.

Women were constantly treated as if they were "not good enough". They weren’t able to go and get an education; the ideology was that they have to be at home all the time, give birth to kids, raise them, and do the chores every day. A man could get a degree if he wanted but most gave up before attempting to obtain a diploma. At least they had the chance but women were not considered smart enough. Nobody ever saw how they raised all the children, and in my opinion, it was and still is one of the most difficult "jobs." Women never got the appreciation they deserved, everyone took them for granted, especially their husbands.

Now, in 2021, things are slightly different but completely. The difference exists since the birth of the child: if you give birth to a boy, it is one of the best things in the world because you’ll have a man who could make the family proud and keep the “good name” of yours; while if you give birth to a girl, well… it is a girl, what else do you expect? We all can go to school and learn but discrimination still exists. Not once in my life, I was told that I can’t get a good grade or that I won’t be able to do a task because “you are a girl”. Yes, I am, and I have demonstrated that I am capable of doing things, so why do people treat me as if I am insane? There are still jobs that everyone considers a man’s job, such as joining the army, becoming a surgeon, or a lawyer. When people hear that you are a girl and you want to become a surgeon, for example, they just look at you, roll their eyes and tell you “nice dream, but it is too much for you, you won’t be able to do it because you are a little girl who’ll get scared eventually.” Why can’t everyone accept that we are no longer in the 1800s and things have changed; women demonstrated that they are capable and they can do it if they want to, so give them a little more credit, we are more than we show we are.

Let’s take another situation: women and men have the same position in a company but why a man has a better wage than a woman? From my point of view, they both studied the same things at university, they made the same effort to get a job, and yet, men have privileges while women don’t. And when they ask for reasoning, they get nothing. Why? Everyone knows that the response “because men are men and you are a woman” is not valid and it shouldn’t even exist.

What can we do to change this concept? Everyone should understand that we are all equal; it’s not our choice if we are born a boy or girl. At the end of the day, your gender should not matter; instead what should matter is what’s in your head and your impact on society. By simply encouraging a woman and showing her respect, you’ll start to make a difference.

To summarize, we must all change our mindsets and accept that women, like men, are deserving of consideration for higher positions. We are all humans and no gender is better than the other; at least just give them a chance to prove themselves and I promise, we won’t let you down!


Verdeata Stefania

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