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Maria-Daria Dana

How can acting impact your life?

If you are reading this you are either at the beginning of your acting journey, either you want to try out a new hobby and you are deciding whether acting is the right option for you or not. Or it just popped up on google while you were searching for something else, and you are about to go to a different page. Regardless of the circumstances, I promise that if you continue reading, this article can have an impact on your life.

Acting is not only a hobby but also a lifestyle and being an actor (not necessarily full-time) change your life. It’s not only about being involved in a project, memorizing lines, and spending days trying to pass an audition but with no success. It is about having fun, working with others, and playing with your own emotions, discovering yourself.

Acting gives you the opportunity to leave your comfort zone. Yes, it seems like you don’t do anything else than just reading a script. You read every day after all, and still, nothing happens, it might actually be your comfort zone: sitting by the fireplace with an interesting book and a cup of tea. So, how can this bring you out of your shell?

Well, acting puts you in a variety of circumstances. You get to experience death, love, and confusion all at the same time, resulting in you riding a roller coaster of emotions in less than 10 minutes. Have you thought this will happen when you started reading that scene? No! So, it tricks your brain to come out of its comfort zone, without even realizing it. At the end of the day, you didn’t only live one life, but two. You’ve been part of the scene you read, you’ve been transported to another world, another time, where you could’ve never gone without acting. Isn’t this amazing?

Also, we are all afraid of being judged for our differences, irregularities, and flaws. Not only are these celebrated in acting, but they could mean the difference between blending in and standing out in a role. My drama teacher always tells us, “Don’t act, just be!” and she can’t be more correct. Playing different characters forces you to know yourself inside and out because you can’t satisfy a role if you’re not emotionally available. This will allow you to discover your true self and embrace its differences. It will enable you to face your emotions and to free yourself from the weight they put on your physical body. You will gain perspective and you will understand how emotions work, feeling much more at peace and confident with expressing them because you learn how to manage them in a way that serves you and your intention.

Acting is all about asserting who you really are through movement and voice. Always performing in front of someone is liberating: you’re constantly under the spotlights, whether on stage or in the safer space of the class, but nonetheless, you have to play in front of others. This is a strong ground to develop confidence and courage.

Plus, you get to meet a lot of generous, charismatic people who are driven towards the same purpose of creating something special. The challenge of having to create forces us to develop bonds that we might not have developed in another context. Acting classes put a heavy emphasis on breaking awkwardness between people, so you will be pushed to socialize and interact with others in a fun and open way.

In conclusion, you have nothing to lose if you try taking a few acting classes, especially because now you can do it from your own bedroom, not needing to get to a certain place. You don’t need to pursue a career in acting to do so, and to start acting might be a life-changing decision. So, what are you waiting for?


Melissa Parv

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