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Alexandra Tilincă

Racism in Romania

In Romania, there are around 22 minorities, the largest being the Hungarians (¬ 6.1% of the total population) and the second-largest being the Romani (¬3.8% of the total population). The number of Romani people is usually underestimated in official statistics and may represent 7-11% of Romania’s population, significant populations in Mureș (8.9%) and Călărași (7.47%) They are also the most prosecuted out of all the minorities that live in our country.

So why are they so hated? Romanians tend to discriminate against them and say hurtful things, using racism just because they can. The most prosecuted are the Romani. Often they are seen as thieves and liars, as either poor, dirty, and dumb or rich, criminals and liars. There isn’t an actual reason why Romanians are so ruthless when it comes to people that are different from them, other than pure spite, jealousy, and insecurity. When it comes to the Hungarians, they are simply told to go back to their country and never come back, even if they never even visited Hungary. Even if they aren’t as prosecuted as Romani people, Romanians will still look odd to them and make fun of the fact that Transylvania is Romanian land.

During the pandemic, the hate for Romani aggravated. From hurtful messages like “go back and don’t come home to sicken us” to excuses to use violence from the police. In May 2020, a national television program, Pro TV, made a study case that showed that during the first lockdown, there were 8 cases of police brutality towards Romani citizens.

How can we help? First, you should always be kind to any minority you come across. We’re all humans and our race or ethnicity shouldn’t matter when it comes to the way we’re treated in society. Second of all, try to support the minorities by learning more about them and their traditions. I recommend “Problema Românească: o analiză a rasismului românesc” by Oana Dorobanțu and Carmen Gheorghe, which is a book full of essays by Romani authors and what they have to go through in everyday life.

Please educate yourself before making a rude comment or being racist. We’re all souls and we can be easily hurt by other people's actions.


Melissa Parv

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