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Ioana Daria Stanciu

Who was Anne Frank?

Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank was a 15-year-old German Jewish girl who was the victim of the Nazi genocide of World War II. She is known for the diary she kept in the Amsterdam hideout before she was arrested. This diary will be published after the war by his father, Otto Frank, and will be considered a historical document of the Holocaust. Anne will become a figure - symbol of the victims of the Nazis.

Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany, during an extremely complex period in history. In the early 1930s, he moved with his family to Amsterdam, after the rise of the Nazi movement in his country. She attended Montessori school. She had an extroverted nature, very talkative and friendly. She always liked to read, but her writing won her heart (she was very secretive about her notes, not allowing anyone to read them).

At the time of the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands during World War II, Jews were no longer safe here either. Due to restrictive laws, Anne and her sister, Margot, were forced to drop out of school and move to a Jewish high school.

At the age of 13, Anne received a diary with a red leather cover from her parents. She fell in love with him immediately and began to write in it both her daily activities and how her family had fled Germany and adapted to the Netherlands.

As the persecution of the Jews was on the rise, the Frank family was forced into hiding. In 1942, her sister received a request to report to a Nazi labor camp in Germany. Realizing the potential danger to the family, they hid in some buildings with another Jewish family. At first, Anne was excited and saw life in hiding as an adventure. She wrote in her daily diary, briefly describing absolutely everything that was happening around her. As time went on, Anna's optimism dissipated. However, she did not lose hope that her life would return to normal, and that, as in the future, she would become a writer.

After two years in hiding, the two families were betrayed. They were arrested and interrogated, then sent to Auschwitz concentration camps, where men were separated from women. Anne, along with her older sister and her mother, was taken to the women's camp, where she was subjected to very hard labor. The two sisters were sent to another camp, and their mother died. The new camp, Bergen - Belsen, made living conditions much more miserable, forced to live on very little food and no sanitation.

In March 1945, the camp was hit by a typhus epidemic, which killed 17,000 prisoners. Among the victims were Anne and Margot. Anne's father, Otto, was the only survivor in the Frank family. From his release from the camp (January 27, 1945) until his death (August 19, 1980), he dedicated his life to publishing Anna's diary, wanting to make the story of this little heroine known.

Sources: arrest-and-death-in-camp /


Brianna Stiuca

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