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Iris Maria Stocchero

Finding motivation in all we do

Have you ever found yourself at that moment when you couldn’t get up from your

bed and start a new day? When you are too apathetic to face new

beginnings and changes and choose to continue that endless routine? If

someone were to ask me what scares me the most in this life I would probably

say losing myself and being aware that day by day I have given away my

potential of doing something great in this world, of changing it.

Nowadays, there are thousands of people that have lost their

motivation in doing anything, whether is doing their bed when woken up or

learning for an important exam to even neglect their self-care

and habits. They might have lost hope regarding their future and feel like it

is all pointless and that in the end, we are all going to end up in the same place no matter how hard we are struggling during our life. I am convinced that we all felt

that frustration within ourselves when we wanted to start a new project, to get

back on the track, but felt so powerless because we could not stand

out for our true abilities, for how capable we are.

The question that we have all been asking ourselves by now probably is: where

or how do I find that piece of motivation again? To get back to our old

routines or to find new ones we have to “wake up” and keep one thing in mind:

remember our worth. If we want to change something, the first thing that we

must change is our mindset and how we look at every situation that we end up in. We can consider motivation as a friend or enemy, the difference is made in

what way we view any obstacle. The first thing that we must do to bond

a friendship with it is to know our potential and how valuable we are. Afterward,

we must set our goals and look at the final product we achieved through

motivation and hard work. For example, let’s say going to college. The whole

process is very complex and stressful, but we can look at this period as a time

loop that we will be thankful for all of our lives after that. Even though, now

things are getting tougher and tougher we should aim for the future, visualize

it and remember what our heart truly desires.

I believe that the next day when we wake up and don’t have the will to do

anything productive we just got to sit up, take a breath of fresh air, and think

about how powerful we are if we put our mind to it and never let our dreams

fade away.

Editor- Sasarman Alex

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