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Miruna Nedelcu

Friendship between a boy and a girl. Is it possible?

Well, I know I will receive some hate for saying this, but I think that a girl and a boy can be just friends. Probably now you are thinking about how this can be possible. I will talk only from my experience. At the moment, I have two best friend boys, both of them are the same age as I am, and we are friends since we were nine years old, and now we are fifteen. With both of them I can talk whatever I need to, and when I need support, they are always here for me. I can’t be more grateful for having them in my life and they are very important for me.

Of course, over the years we had some arguments, but we’ve moved on and we are still very good friends. Maybe this part seemed boring and without any sense, but I wanted to explain the fact that we were hanging out a lot, even alone sometimes and nothing changed what is between us.

I understand the fact that in this type of friendship, some feelings are involved because you have to get along very well with each other and the boy has to be sure that he wants to be your best friend for this to work, and that is why people think that eventually, the friendship will become something else. I am not saying this is impossible, but if the two of you have a long friendship, you will think that is better to remain, friends because you are afraid that because of the relationship you can lose each other which will feel like a death sentence because you have a strong connection, which is more precious.

Also, it depends on what type of friendship do you have, for example, if you are in love with a boy and you want to make him fall in love with you too, you should become friends so that he gets to know you better, but in that case the situation is different and you should be the one who decides what you want, friendship or relationship based on a friendship.

I’ve mentioned earlier, the fact that the boy should want to be your bestie, because this is the only way a friendship between a girl and a boy can work, if the both of them are constantly involved, otherwise you shouldn’t start it because is not worth it. And no, this doesn’t mean that you should talk daily or hang out with each other every time, you only need to trust them and to start building a strong communicating connection which will not make you feel that you are letting them out or they are letting you out.

So, that’s all, it can be only friendship, but if you decide to turn it into something else, think about the consequences that can appear.

Now, let me know what’s your opinion, it can or cannot be only friendship between a girl and a boy?

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