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Ioana Daria Stanciu

Talent from birth or hard training?

"Can you tell me your name again? I forgot it…"

Even if we can remember jokes and stories, sometimes we can’t remember simple things. I am convinced that each of us has experienced an event like this at least once in our lives, which has put us in an embarrassing position.

This situation reminds us of people who can memorize tens of thousands of decimal places of the number pi or any other number with an infinite number of digits. The question is how people manage to memorize such information, and whether it truly requires divine grace or just a lot of work.

According to scientists, most people who have achieved impressive success in this field were not born with extraordinary minds. They have learned techniques of associating numbers, respectively numbers with images of places or memories.

The most intense challenge is which such people participate in the retention of the famous pi number. This attempt is based on hard training over a long time because there is no certain "periodicity" of the numbers, they are completely random. The memory palace technique, which has been used since Ancient Greece, is the most efficient but also the most complex strategy for retaining large amounts of information. Sounds weird, doesn't it? As an example, if we had to remember a short shopping list (milk, cheese, candles, napkins), we should make a short story to make our work easier. The most suitable space is our own home because we spend enough time there so that we can design it, in detail, in the mind. So, the story would sound like this: when I entered the living room, a strong smell of candles predominated; in the kitchen, I noticed how the cat broke the box of cheese, and I, trying to clean it from the floor, spilled a bottle of milk; then I took the napkins and wiped the mess. Through this story, we could remember all the things we have to buy, in an efficient and fun way.

Another technique that can be used in this field is the association of numbers with letters. When we think of an infinite number or even a finite but very long number, we immediately think of it as almost impossible to learn, but long works containing tens of thousands of words have been performed by actors without difficulty. If we had a number, such as 179, we can associate each number with a letter. The number 1 is the letter I because are similar. Going on the same principle, we can say that 7 is T and 9 is P. Hence it follows that the number 179 is the equivalent of the ITP code. Thus, we can transform strings of numbers into strings of characters, respectively letters, which we can then retain.

The human mind is such a complex mechanism, and we still have no idea what information capacity we can remember.

The theoretical part is ready. Now there are only hundreds of hours of training to reach the performance. So, what's holding you back from this?

Editor- Verdeata Stefania

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