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Maria-Daria Dana

The law of attraction – myth or reality?

Have you ever thought or said something that, unexpectedly, turned into reality? Have you ever wanted something so bad that you thought of it day and night, and in the end, it happened, even if you couldn’t figure out how? Well, you were using the law of attraction without even realizing it!

What is the law of attraction?

The law of attraction is built around the affirmation that positive thoughts bring positive results into someone’s life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. It is believed that thoughts are a form of energy. Therefore, positive energy attracts success in many areas of life, including health, finances, and personal relationships.

Even though the law of attraction has generated attention in recent years because of books and movies like “The Secret”, it lacks scientific evidence, being viewed as pseudoscience. It is one of life’s biggest mysteries and very few people are completely aware of the impact the law of attraction has on them and their day-to-day living.

Advocates combine cognitive reframing techniques with affirmation and creative visualization to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. There are a few principles that the law of attraction is based on:

1. Similar things are attracted to one another: not only do people attract other people who are similar to them, but their thoughts also attract similar results. Therefore, negative thinking attracts a negative outcome, while positive thinking attracts the desired outcome.

2. Removing bad thoughts makes space for the positive ones: It is thought that it is impossible to have space in your mind or your life. Thus, something will fill up this space, so you must fill it with positivity and optimism.

3. Your existence is always perfect: even though it might not feel like this is true, instead of focusing on the negative parts of your life, the law of attraction suggests that you should be focusing on the ones that could make your present moment the best that it can be.

How can YOU use the law of attraction in your interest?

According to the last few paragraphs that you’ve just read, the law of attraction seems to always be by your side, no matter what you do, but how to use it in your interest? How to shape your living with its help?

A few things you could do would be visualizing your goals, looking for the positives in a situation, being grateful, using positive affirmations, and reframing negative events more positively or optimistically.

Also, ask the universe for what you want not for what you don’t. Instead of analyzing the worst things that could happen in a certain situation, think of the best possible outcome, the one that you desire. You can visualize how your dreams will look when you achieve them, trying to connect with them.

How is this going to change your life?

Even though the law of attraction might not have immediate results, it can help you change your lifestyle, by cultivating a more optimistic outlook on your daily living and motivating you to continue working towards your goals. This way, it will help you improve your mental health and self-confidence. By using it for your good, you will decrease any levels of stress and anxiety, letting go of all feelings of doubt in yourself.

Whether or not you will use the law of attraction daily, implementing some of these habits can help you have a clear vision of what you want and give you a positive mindset.


Brianna Știucă

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