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Emma Mora

The reality of growing up

Do you know that girl who dreams of becoming a princess, living in a never-ending castle, brought to life from the collection of fairy tales that her mom used to read out loud for her?

I used to be her too. I was always envisioning my life as a utopia, as something that, beginning with my teenage years, would suddenly become flawless, just like in all those stories and movies that I have heard and watched during my childhood. Little did that 10-year-old girl in me know that things were perfect then, that along with growing up, she would view the world through different, more precise lenses. Some part of me has remained this girl, always hoping for the better, but the majority has changed drastically.

Do you know that girl, who at 13, if not earlier, dreams of experiencing the ultimate love story, of finding commitment and dedication in somebody else?

Unfortunately, I used to be her too. Not so long ago, having watched a Disney film, I would stay up late at night, trying to find a real person, preferably my age, who would look like the main character and who would be willing to pledge his undying loyalty to me. This oblivious girl is gone too, she ran away when she realized that love is not perfect either, scared away by the cruel reality, which fails to be represented in movies.

Do you know that girl who finds another world to live in, leaving the monotonous reality, finding an escape from it, a fictional world in which she can just dream on?

I recognize her too well. She is just looking for a place in which to be herself, to express all the thoughts that ever so faintly escape her mouth in her daily life. She is self-conscious, doubtful of her abilities, but she is just one step away from unleashing her true power. I was this girl for a long time, hiding in the parallel realities offered by books and TV series, afraid of how the world might judge me, might not accept me because I am different from the societal norms. This girl is matured and independent in her mind, she just needs to find the courage to apply it to her actions, too. She has some friends, she is desperately in need of more reliable ones, but she has so much on her plate, not just finding the right company, but also finding her true self, her one loud and firm voice.

Do you know the girl who got a taste of her own potential and wants to unleash it all?

I am her. Constantly working towards herself, she has an image of what she is now and what she can become. She is striving to achieve her goals; she has few but very dear friends which support her in every way possible. Exercising, reading, doing schoolwork, caring for her future, spending time with her family and so much more, she is assembling the best version of herself. This girl does not dream of living in a palace, having a perfect romance, or even speaking her mind, she dreams of having an impact, building an empire, and bettering herself which each second that passes. This is her story.

Editor- Teodora Ioana Magan

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