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Laura Goia

What’s next?

A person hears from a young age a question that a few will never have an answer to: “What do you want to do when you grow up?” The answer usually varies from person to person, but a child of young age is more likely to answer with a job they find interesting but doesn’t necessarily have any way to evolve into something more or any real potential.

A child will answer that they “want to be happy”. That feeling of happiness is sought by many but achieved by less. Is something that most people lose sight of over the years. As a child grows his perspectives on the world, society and the fields of work will inevitably change together with their answer. They will perhaps think of a career better paid, searched by the field of work, and with many possibilities to evolve as their passions are left in second place.

In school, the same question is asked multiple times over the years and the person’s answer will change at least a few times as the student finds out more about the niche of work and possible careers. In high school and even in elementary school the idea of a degree in a profession is highly implemented by teachers and parents alike. It has become mandatory in many situations and careers. Teenagers will start to explore career paths on their own but some have no clue of what they want to do in the future, what they could do or what they like, and with that, a question arises: “How can a teenager decide what to do for the rest of their lives or at least a few years?”.

Some will choose the career path their family wants for them, even if the person doesn’t feel attracted in any way by that profession, and will probably start to regret the choice they have made and fail at the very thing they had wanted since they were young: to be happy.

Most of the teenagers though have a pretty rough opinion on what they want to do next, what they want to achieve. As earlier said, a degree has become something almost mandatory in today’s professions and society. A degree will be a person’s tool in achieving something great, something to be proud of but a tool is nothing without the hand who guides it. So a degree is useful only if it is used the right way. A degree can make an employee decide whether to hire or not a person, from that point on, a degree will not help. Only the humans themselves will decide whether they will be happy and achieved or miserable and lost. That difference is seen when the people themselves made the decision or it was decided by someone else, that is why a successful career can never be chosen only by the amount of money and achievement in society's eyes. A career has to be a right combination of the ambitions, passions, and interests of a person combined with the possibilities the person and the career can offer each other.

For those who do not know what career to pursue they first have to ask themselves “What am I good at and what do I like?”. If those questions are answered, then with a sufficient amount of research a person can determine at least what type of work they want to do and in which field of work, if not the right career for them.

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