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Diana Manta

Why am I not enough?

A complex problem in this century is that people compare themselves with others and then realize that they are not enough and then they start doubting their worth. If you are one of those people, this article is for you. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

Firstly, listen to me, it is advice time now. You are enough, even more than enough. You are special the way you are and no one can take that away from you. You deserve the best in this world and if someone tells you otherwise, they are wrong. Don’t settle for anything less.

Secondly, comparing is one of the stupidest things ever. I know, I know… parents always compare their children to other kids especially when it comes to talking about grades: “why they got a better grade and you couldn’t?” sounds pretty familiar. Maybe you have had a bad day and you couldn’t study- that is normal-. However, grades are not right most of the time, but we will talk about that another time.

You open social media and on your feed, you see a model and you start thinking: “why can’t I look like that, why am I trapped in this body I don’t even like?” This is how your self-esteem is getting lower and lower until you feel like you have to change yourself to belong.

There are a lot of things to take into consideration but no matter what, you are enough. I am aware that I already told you this once and I am so ready to tell it until you see it for yourself. Have you ever thought that yes, maybe someone is better at art but you are so talented at sciences? We all have a field we are the best in, and just because someone is better at something you are not so good at, it doesn’t mean that you are enough? You are the best at the things you like and at the things you are destined to excel in life. On the other hand, maybe you feel like you are not as good-looking as Victoria’s Secret model. Don’t think less of yourself just because your body type is different. You see yourself when you look in the mirror: you see those dark circles under your eyes, those tired eyes… but you don’t see how your eyes shine when you talk about your favorite book or movie; you don’t see the light-up of your face when you win a debate you wanted to win so badly. (And remember, models are paid to look like that, they are paid to work out and eat healthily, it is their job.) Genetics is one of the most important factors for it too, however, I am sure you are gorgeous. There are a lot of things that make you unique and you can’t see them for yourself but others can. And this leads to my next point.

Why I am never the one chosen? Why is there always someone else who will be their favorite person even if I am trying my best? You give them your best and they don’t appreciate you? Do yourself a favor and leave. I know it’s hard but it’s even harder to stay somewhere you don’t feel appreciated enough. Maybe it feels like no one will ever treat you right but don’t you ever lose hope. We will all find “our people”, even if it is sooner or later. You deserve to be appreciated just like you appreciate others. People usually take everything and everyone for granted. Trust me, it’s better to be alone and discover who you truly are and try new things by yourself. You’ll find your inner peace and it is one of the most amazing things ever, I promise.

All things considered, you are amazing, and keep going. The key is to start doubting yourself less because you know what you are capable of, even if others doubt you… you know how people are nowadays. You are unique and always enough. There is no such thing as “not good enough”. And if they can’t see how beautiful you are inside and out, well… it’s their loss, not yours. They lost the person who would have done everything for them, while you lost… what have you lost? Right, nothing.


Verdeata Stefania

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