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Ioana Daria Stanciu

Veganism and vegetarianism

In recent years, I have heard more and more about vegetarian or vegan diets, but what is the difference between the two?

Vegetarianism is the practice of a diet that excludes all animal foods. Some variants of it include products obtained from animals, such as eggs, dairy products, eggs, and honey. The reason for choosing this lifestyle may depend on morality, religion, culture, taste, or health. This diet is found globally. In India, followers of Hinduism and many Buddhists refuse to eat meat. There are also Jews who prefer not to eat meat.

By comparison, we can define veganism as abstinence from the use of animal products, especially in the diet0. It is also called a plant-based diet and has a philosophy that rejects the idea that animals are food, objects, or property.

It is important to know that veganism is one of the branches of vegetarianism. Along with it, there are also: apivegetarism ( you can eat honey ), Ovo-Lacto vegetarianism ( you can eat eggs, dairy products, and honey ), Lacto vegetarianism ( you can eat dairy products and honey ), and Ovo vegetarianism ( you can eat eggs ). Other dietary practices that are frequently associated with vegetarianism are Fruitarianism, Sattvic diet, Su vegetarianism, macrobiotic diet, raw veganism, and vegan diet.

Between 2000 and 2017, the consumption of dairy products decreased by 24 %, being replaced by coconut milk, almonds, soy, or oats, and by up to 60 % between 2012 and 2017. Herbal diets such as vegetarianism and veganism are associated with weight loss and reduced risk of chronic conditions, including heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cognitive decline.

About Raw-Vegans

Raw Vegans are the category of vegans who believe that foods cooked at high temperatures ( usually higher than 46 degrees Celsius ) lose their nutrients and enzymes. Because of this, they consume raw products, which, instead of cooking, they choose to prepare their food in the form of smoothies or dehydrate it.

The risks of vegetarianism and veganism

One of the risks of these types of diets occurs when we do not provide all the vitamins and minerals needed by our body. For example, one vitamin we need to take care of is vitamin B12. B12 deficiency leads to anemia, cardiovascular disease, infertility, and a deficient nervous system.

So, as I said above, there is no doubt that vegetable diets are in high demand. They are very beneficial, especially if we take them seriously.



Melissa Parv

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