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Viviana Ștefania Dungă

Why should we eat fruits?

Hi there!

You just found another person which stresses you with the phrase < An apple a day keeps the doctor away > (it’s funny because I am eating an apple while I am writing this article). I am sure you heard many times about the importance of having a healthy lifestyle and about the fact that you should eat more fruits. And this is exactly the subject I want to talk about today because I am aware of its importance. Hope you'll enjoy it!

Why are fruits so important?

Well, fruits are a good source of vitamins and minerals, recognized for their role in preventing vitamin C and vitamin A deficiencies. Also, eating fruits regularly can reduce the risk of some chronic diseases, type 2 diabetes, or some cancers, improve heart health, and can provide protection against cell damage.

Fruits contain fiber which is important to keep you full, keeps digestion normal and they contain many of the essential vitamins and minerals that your body cannot produce on its own; this is what makes you feel healthy and energized.

Your way to a healthy life…

Replacing your higher-calorie foods with fruits and vegetables (which tend to be lower in calories) can lead to a lower calorie intake. This in turn will also decrease the risk of weight gain, which is associated with several diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. That is the reason you should start to replace a Mcdonald's meal with a portion of fruits. I know it's hard, but it is all about discipline (I will talk about this in another article).

Physical and psychological benefits

Fresh fruits may even improve a person's psychological health. According to a 2017 study in PLOS ONE, eating fruits (and vegetables) correlated with an increase in psychological well-being in young adults. These psychological benefits occurred after only two weeks of increased fruits and vegetable consumption. So, fruits have both physical and psychological benefits.

It is recommended to eat 1,5-2 cups of fruits/day.

That’s the end of the article. Until the next one, don't forget to eat your fruits and smile! :)

Editor- Brianna Stiuca

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